ChristyLew's Blog

ChristyLew's Blog
Flight Attendant who loves to travel and write

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Flipboard for iPad

Lately, I've been doing a lot of socializing on facebook and twitter and as I travel, I find that this has become really important to me. I have found that it's my way of staying in touch with people I love and care about that I just can't call (since my schedule might have me flying during normal talk hours) or actually go see in person (because I don't have that many days off). I even helped my Mom sign up on facebook so she now can check my status and keep up with what I'm doing too. (I love my Mom)
It's also been a great way for me to meet new people and make new friends. I love this aspect too. my goal to lighten the load of my ever so heavy bags, I bought myself an ipad last year so that I can see the screen better than on my iphone (eyes get tired and vision gets blurry with age and also with working alot).
I have spent a lot of time looking at apps for the ipad and I have to say that one of my very favorite ones is: Flipboard.
If you have an iPad and you don't have Flipboard, I think you should try it out.
Flipboard allows you to input your facebook and twitter accounts and your google reader and then it places it in a magazine type format on the screen. You can then just flip through the pages like reading a magazine.
I love this for reading the blogs that I follow. The pictures are so beautiful!
Also, it allows you to add many many other "magazines" to follow in the Contents of your Flipboard. You can choose from many categories: travel, entertainment, food.
Try it out and let me know what you think and don't forget to add my blog to your google reader so my posts will show up in your Flipboard. ;)

1 comment:

randy said...

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